Over the last few years my tattoo collection has been slowly growing. I’ve also begun to use it to remind me of my travels – and even went as far as getting my website logo inked onto my ankle whilst a little bit intoxicated in Peru! Well I wanted one to remind me of my travels, and whats more apt than the site that documents it?!
This week I ticked another item off my bucket list by finally getting a bamboo tattoo here in Thailand. Initially I was going with another design, but I thought if I’m going for a traditional method I should get a more Thai style design. In the end I went with a Sak Yant tattoo – the 5 lines design. The lines symbolize good luck in love, life, work, money and character which I think is a pretty good meaning to carry with me on my travels!
And yes I’m sure heaps of you will be thinking hang on Angelina Jolie has that tattoo, or I’ve seen heaps of drunken backpackers with the same design.
Well I don’t care! For me a good tattoo should A) look good and B) have some meaning behind it.
And this definitely has both…although I’m sure my mother wouldn’t be as comforted with that conclusion!
Do you guys have any ink inspired by your travels – if so what and where does it remind you of?
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