It’s going to be a bit quiet on the Twitter and blogging front over the next 5 days so I’d thought I’d give you all a heads up…cos I’m nice like that!
As of 7am tommorow morning I – along with Kez, my little bro and a whole heap of our mates – will be loading our wellies, tents and copious amounts of alcohol and descending onto a dairy farm in Somerset…that’s right, it’s finally time for Glastonbury!
I’m pretty stoked to be revelling in the mud of a proper English festival after missing out last year whilst I was in Australia (although that somewhat made up for it!), nothing beats a good old party with 180,000 other drunken music lovers and Mr Eavis – who I had the pleasure of meeting a few years ago when I VIP’d it to Glasto.
Rest assured that I shall be getting messed up and making bad decisions, with good company and of course a camera in tow – so there will no doubt be some banterful and amusing posts coming your way sometime next week as part of our Festival Guide.
Once I’m showered and rested up of course!
And a big pre happy birthday to Kez too – last year we spent our joint birthday party in togas in Byron Bay (hosted by the ever awesome AQ Bar at our home away from home at Aquarius Hostel) but this year we hit Glasto on her birthday…tough life isn’t it! So head over to twitter and send her some birthday love.
Catch you all on the flip side – I hope you don’t miss the banter too much….there’s plenty of posts in the archives to keep you entertained tho!
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