So here it is – Part 3 of 3 in this feature about planning your Oz trip.
To round things off I’m bantering about BACKPACKS and TRAVEL ESSENTIALS.
You’re going to be living out of it for God knows how long so your backpack is pretty important.
Again a lot of this is down to budget and personal choice. Go into stores, try them on.
Do you want a top loader or a suitcase style one? Day bag attachment or not?
You need to think about how much you can carry and more importantly how much you want to carry. A couple of good starting points are the Vango 60 + 20 (the bag I’m using) and the Gelert 70 +20.
You can save a lot of money on this one too by hitting the sales and checking out online stores – but the Gap Year Travel Store is a good site to start off with.
And of course when you have your bag you need to get a list of essential items.
When you tell people you’re going travelling they give you all sorts of stuff to take with you and suggest a whole heap of stuff.
You soon find out what was useful and what wasn’t. I’ve been here for 6 months now so I’m going to try and help by telling you what I use most and what is still in the bottom of my bag!
Sleeping bag liner
Everyone raves on about these things. I wouldn’t bother! Save yourself a whole heap of money and leave this alone! If you do decide to get one hit up eBay for the best prices.
Travellers Cheques
One of my top tips is to get yourself some travellers cheques and store them away a emergency money. I’ve got $1000 kept back for if something happens or I simply run out of money. It’s safe and secure and if you loose them you can get them replaced in 24 hours.
Travel Towel?
I’m still in two minds about this one. I love my beach towel and it’s in constant use, its way more comfortable than a thin travel towel, but it’s also a lot bulkier.
Think about what you use your towel for.
Bottom line is if you have the space I’d go with a proper towel. Or buy one once you’re out here.
Mobile Phone
Make sure you’re phone is unlocked before you leave the UK else you could find yourself needlessly having to buy a new handset!
You can also get yourself an Aussie sim before you leave the UK alongside a VIP Card
If you’re looking for the ultimate phone and travel essential why not get an iPhone? I’ve got one, you can check out my blog on why it’s the ultimate travel essential
This one is a major pro and con issue. If like me you’re here for a year and use your laptop a lot then bring it. Just make sure it’s INSURED!
If you’re not sure maybe think about a notebook?
Or even better still an iPad!
Having your own laptop is a great way to save photos and there’s plenty of places where you can get free wifi. If you have the space I’d definitely pack it
Digital Camera
Whats the point in doing loads of cool stuff and meeting new people if you can’t keep the memories.
Get yourself a digital camera and heaps of memory cards and start snapping! Which camera you choose depends alot on your budget. As a photographer myself I’ve tried a whole heap of cameras out. If you’re looking for some more advice on this simply contact me – but again shopping online and comparing prices is a sensible move.
External Hard Drive
And if you’re taking lots of pics you’ll need somewhere to store them – whether you have a laptop or not. The best option by far is to invest in an external hard drive. Prices vary on make and size. I’d personally recommend the Lacie Rugged Hard Drive, mainly because it’s well protected from knocks and bumps!
And there you have it – my brief but (hopefully) informative guide to what you need to do to get your Oz adventure started. Pass it on, share the link and hopefully it’ll help you as much as it’s helping out Jimmy!
Safe travels and make sure you enjoy the planning too – it’s meant to be fun, so try not to stress!